When the need was seen for food assistance and other miscellaneous items, volunteers got together and gave out food from the backs of their trucks. In 1995, The Community Breadbasket was organized by the Community Wesleyan Church to continue this effort. The Community Breadbasket became a Corporation in 1998, a 501(c)(3) was obtained. The name then became Central Florida Community Breadbasket Inc, which is a non-profit Food Bank. In an effort to establish a permanent location, a neighborhood building was purchased with contributions by interested individuals. As we grew, a larger neighborhood county building was then leased for the use as a Warehouse and Distribution Center.
Today our organization is thriving. As we reach more people in our community and surrounding areas, the demand for our services grow daily. We serve approximately 14,000 people each month. Our Breadbasket donates on average 85,000 pounds of food each month. All funding received is through charitable contributions daily at our organization or local organizations. We are growing and impacting more lives each and every day.